Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ground Cover Plants Garden or Landscape Design

Ground cover plants are rarely considered in the garden or landscape design until a problem such as erosion occurs. Here you will learn about fast-growing ground cover plant varieties most used in both landscape or garden designs as fill in for slopes. 

Vinca vinca minor, vinca, both large and is one of the most versatile ground covers  It grows in both full sun and shadow. An evergreen, vinca is a mat safely attached to the bottom. The sprouts grow, fall over and form a new root system where they hit the ground. Vinca major grows larger, in the 12 inch and scala, before falling on the ground, whereas vinca minor is a shorter stricter grower. While both plant variety invasive when left to grow without some control measures may be, they can generally be grown within confined spaces with some maintenance. 

The English and Baltic Ivy, also grow in both Sun and shade spaces, but require more attention when planted near foundations, as they dedicated climbers. Their climbing long-term damage caused, or on larger plants or buildings, so preventive measures should be taken, as some of the taller growing pruning sprouts. With that said, is Ivy groundcover and a great choice for a beautiful shady landscape settings. 

With the many varieties of pachysandra available there is certainly one that will work in almost any situation. Pachysandra terminalis is commonly used but the variegated and green Sheen breeds are now becoming more widely available to offer more choices. Growing usually in areas of partially sunny to filtered shade, pachysandra will get off to a slow start in comparison with vinca or Ivy. 

Really underused ground cover is Euonymus. Often called winter creeper  there are many different breeds with many different looks. Purple winter creeper is the most common variety. The Euonymus Woolong Ghost is really interesting with its dark green leaves enriched with white veins. The Woolong Ghost is mat forms and may rise if given the chance. The Euonymus Kewensis offers small green leaves and is an excellent climbing plant. The Kewensis shows her talents when planted in spaces where really it can drape as retaining walls or rock gardens. Creeping Euonymus varieties grow in full sun to partially shaded areas. 

Typical distance for ground cover plants is 12 to 18 inches apart. Bare root plants can be planted 6 to 8 inches apart for a faster filling. 

When plants on sloped areas, use an independent sprinkler, the type that attaches to a hose. The sprinkler must be carried out until the water seeps down several inches. The time for this will vary so it's best to check the soil every time that it is executed. How often water will depend on local factors, but in many cases must be done every 3 to 5 days after planting for the first 6 to 8 weeks for the plants to fully establish a newer root system and start to grow. You can check the soil control and you have the correct adjustments. If the soil is extremely dry after 3 days, you may need to water every 2 days instead. Rainfall is not reliable and runs often just down the surface of the ground without being absorbed in the soil. 

Mulching around ground covers can be difficult, especially on sloped areas. For sloped areas I recommend dropping a thin layer of straw. The straw will be the new young plants protect against heat of the Sun, heavy rainfall, which can wash bare root plants out of their holes and down the Hill, as well as keep the soil cool and moist. Straw decomposes and helps build the soil. Once the plants have achieved fully, and begin to grow each remaining straw may be removed and mixed in other areas of the garden or landscape. 

Or vinca, ivy, pachysandra or you now choose, will this ground cover euonymus ground cover plants are the best choices for the job. With limited amount of maintenance, they are quick to start a newer root system new top on their way to the solution of your landscaping problem. 


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